Our signature dishes are those fish based, in particluar our seafood crudités. Due to the freshness of our sea specialities, we are able provide our diners with even the most demanding requests.
Thanks to the experienced local fishermen, who supply the restaurant with every variety of fish. Our clients decide how their fish will be cooked, either on the grill or in the oven, choosing at the counter from a wide array of freshly net or pot caught fish.

The Cuisine
The Mirage proposes numerous classic Sardinian dishes, and of those the following deserve a special mention:
- la fregola alle vongole
- gli spaghetti allo scoglio
- il risotto alla pescatora
- la burrida cagliaritana
- l’aragosta alla catalana
(Fregola with clams)
(Seafood spaghetti)
(Seafood risotto)
(Catfish with onions,walnuts, garlic, oil and vinegar)
(Lobster with onion, tomatoes. oil and lemon)
Among the house specialities, certain choices merit a special mention where the quality of the dish marries with a simple preparation which elevates the flavours:
- l’antipasto di Tonno fresco al profumo di Mirto
- il Crudo di Pesce e Crostacei
- gli Spaghetti ai Ricci freschi ed Asparagi selvatici
- gli Spaghetti alle Orziadas
- gli Spaghetti all’Astice
- il Capone alla zuppa
- il Dentice al forno con frutti di mare
- l’Aragosta al Mirage
(Starter of fresh tuna with a hint of myrtle)
(Raw fish and crustaceans)
(Spaghetti with fresh sea urchins and wild asparagus)
(Spaghetti with sea anenomies)
(Spaghetti with astice, similar to lobster)
(Gurnard soup)
(Baked snapper with seafood)
(Mirage lobster)